For this post, look at Appendix 2 of the skill builder Documenting Reports 6: Peer Review. Use the questions there as a
guide for writing about one aspect of your learning experience, be that your success in teamwork, communication amongst
your group, problems encountered, etc.
I think that one valuable experience learnt from doing my research project was the ability to communicate efficiently among my project mates in the group. In the beginning, when we were choosing a topic to do our report, we had very different opinions and it was quite difficult to choose whose idea was more feasible to be developed. Hence, discussing with each other about the advantages and disadvantages of our ideas for the project allowed us to choose the topic for our project. Therefore, communication is a catalyst to help us speed up the process of choosing the topic.
I remembered that there was one incident where we had a miscommunication with each other. I was supposed to do the findings and interpretation for question 6 to 8 for our report but I thought I was doing question 8 to 10. Thus, I did the findings and interpretations for the wrong questions. In the end, we were not able to hand up our findings and interpretation on time due to my mistake. I should have confirmed with my project mates which questions I was supposed to do. Therefore, efficient communication is also important for us to avoid making silly mistakes like what I have done.
Communication is also essential for us so that we can empathize with our project mates if they have tests coming up. By telling us about it, we could assign him/her simpler tasks to do like checking for grammatical errors or compiling the different sections in the project. In this way, he/she could still be involved in the project and be able to study for his/her test.
In conclusion, having the ability to communicate efficiently among project mates allow us to catalyze the process of choosing a topic for the project, avoid miscommunication and empathize with one another. Thus, it is one valuable learning experience that I have gained while doing the report.