Sunday, October 12, 2008

Blogpost 5: Reflecting on the Research Project Experience

For this post, look at Appendix 2 of the skill builder Documenting Reports 6: Peer Review. Use the questions there as a
guide for writing about one aspect of your learning experience, be that your success in teamwork, communication amongst
your group, problems encountered, etc.

I think that one valuable experience learnt from doing my research project was the ability to communicate efficiently among my project mates in the group. In the beginning, when we were choosing a topic to do our report, we had very different opinions and it was quite difficult to choose whose idea was more feasible to be developed. Hence, discussing with each other about the advantages and disadvantages of our ideas for the project allowed us to choose the topic for our project. Therefore, communication is a catalyst to help us speed up the process of choosing the topic.

I remembered that there was one incident where we had a miscommunication with each other. I was supposed to do the findings and interpretation for question 6 to 8 for our report but I thought I was doing question 8 to 10. Thus, I did the findings and interpretations for the wrong questions. In the end, we were not able to hand up our findings and interpretation on time due to my mistake. I should have confirmed with my project mates which questions I was supposed to do. Therefore, efficient communication is also important for us to avoid making silly mistakes like what I have done.

Communication is also essential for us so that we can empathize with our project mates if they have tests coming up. By telling us about it, we could assign him/her simpler tasks to do like checking for grammatical errors or compiling the different sections in the project. In this way, he/she could still be involved in the project and be able to study for his/her test.

In conclusion, having the ability to communicate efficiently among project mates allow us to catalyze the process of choosing a topic for the project, avoid miscommunication and empathize with one another. Thus, it is one valuable learning experience that I have gained while doing the report.


Illya Nafiza said...

Hey Gary, I think its great that your group thought of alternative work for your group members who are having tests. At least, they would be able to concentrate more on their test and minimal error in the report could also be avoided as they would most probably be occupied with their mugging.

Plus, I am very impressed with the other group members who DID notice that the person would probably be burdened if they have a test as well as a heavy task. Sometimes, it takes a little bit of initiative from the rest of the group members care about other's needs. I guess a little but of 'GIVE AND TAKE' works here!


Anonymous said...

Hi Gary,it's very good that you gave an example of miscommunication. I think this type of misunderstanding is very common in our daily interaction with others. You are right that we should ask for confirmation again if we are not sure about certain details. Also, as other team members, we can repeat everyone's job scope again to ensure everyone is clear about what they should do.

You and your group members are really nice people that you take care of the members who are busy at tests. I have never thought of this before actually.

daijing said...

Hi Gary, I must say it has been quite hectic this few weeks having to juggle both test and project. It's nice to see that your group tried to lessen the workload for the group members who are having test. I guess empathy is also an important factor in doing project. It allows a better relationship to be built between group member and therefore may in turn makes it easier in the process of doing the project together.

jiahwa said...

Hi Gary, communication is definitely a key factor to efficiency in completing the project. More specifically, communication that is effective. At many times, people may communicate but the message transmitted could be inaccurate. This can even cause a slowdown in the progress, just like in the case of the misunderstanding mentioned.

However, it was very good that your group had the 'empathy' factor. With empathy for each other in the team, better relationships can be forged and group members may feel happier working together. This may indirectly contribute to efficiency.

In any case, do hang in there! The project is coming to an end! (:

Jia Hwa

grace kim said...

Hi Gary,

I like your point about being able to empathise with each other and thus assign simpler tasks if they had tests coming up. However, I felt you could have made it more personal by giving a specific example like the way you described the incident where miscommunication caused a delay in your submission of the draft.

Anyway, from your group mates' blogposts, I can see that there was great teamwork among the three of you so give yourself a pat on the back!